2023 Session Wrap Up

The legislature officially adjourned for the year on Friday, April 21st. I believe I’m speaking for all Tennesseans by saying that this year’s session could’ve and should’ve been handled better. Legislators should have an extremely high bar for their conduct to fulfill our responsibility to our districts and the state. I voted no to adjourn because I thought we weren’t done doing the people’s business.

After the tragic Covenant School shooting, we failed to come together to deliver solutions; for that, I apologize. I was proud to witness how Nashville united in the face of such a horrible situation to demand action. However, sadly, most of my colleagues didn’t answer the call and chose not to step up to the plate to address or even debate common-sense gun safety reforms such as extreme risk protection orders.

On Friday, I met with Governor Bill Lee and asked him not to let us leave without announcing a plan to address our community’s public and gun safety issues. Luckily, he heeded the calls from myself and my Democratic colleagues. Later in the day, he announced the intent to call for a special session to address public safety specifically. Common sense gun policies have broad bi-partisan support, as referenced by the statewide poll released by Voices for a Safer Tennessee last week (see poll here). 

As we prepare for the upcoming special session, I am ready and willing to tackle this complex issue as our community and children demand it. 

Voices for a Safer Tennessee Poll- April 2023

Major Accomplishments From This Session

What I didn’t accomplish

 I had a few pieces of legislation that didn’t make it through committees and others I plan to work through over the Summer and Fall. I took my secure gun storage legislation (HB1233) off notice after the Republican Caucus chair asked me to work on it with him bi-partisanly, and I agreed. I plan to bring it back up for a vote in our special session. 

My PACE legislation (HB0416), which provides an excellent option for senior citizens looking for healthcare options that will help them age gracefully at home, will be a major focus of study this year to get it in a better position to get funded next year.

The petty politics of retribution were unfortunately on full display this year. At the start of the session, I was named the Davidson County Legislative Delegation Chair. This role was an honor, but it took a tremendous toll due to the length at which we had to fight for the soul and autonomy of Nashville. I was disappointed to watch as my colleagues from across the state passed legislation to cut the Nashville Council in half (the courts struck it down luckily!), take over control of the Nashville Airport (will see you in court!), remove funding sources for the Music City Center and reshape the Sports Authority Board.  

None of these laws had the intent to help our city, the state’s economic engine. Going forward, I will continue to be a strong advocate for Nashville and a leading voice for the autonomy of our city to operate. An overview of the anti-Nashville bills is in this story here

What I learned

The General Assembly is an easy place to get sidetracked, as we’ve seen these final weeks. The majority party doesn’t campaign on expelling members, banning drag queens, and playing petty games against Nashville.

I’ve been disappointed to see the way issues that Tennesseans care about, like education, healthcare, and gun safety take a back seat. Going forward, I plan to utilize what I learned from my first session to best represent District 59. My personal goal is to improve turnaround time on constituent calls/emails. Some days we got 1k emails due to the high-profile issues we dealt with this session. This isn’t normal, and I hope to get a better handle on this situation and how we can be timely and responsive to constituent concerns.  My goal is to have a response within two business days.

Additionally, I would like to hear directly from constituents on what issues matter to you and what legislation I should focus on next year. I plan on running polls and being in the community a lot more now that session is out. 

As always, please call or write anytime I can be of assistance.

– Rep. Caleb Hemmer

Can you pitch in?

Now that session has ended and I can accept contributions, I would be grateful if you would consider pitching in. We need to do a ton of work this summer to protect my District 59 seat and adequately prepare ourselves to win against any opponent who does not represent the values of our district.

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